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根据国家电网山东分公司的统一部署,第三个检查小组于10月22日至25日,2015年在山东汇德变压器制造有限公司有限公司进行参观。2015年10月,变压器制造有限公司有限公司,山东汇收到电力变压器在电力行业标准化技术委员会的感谢信,信中证实了山东汇德变压器制造有限公司有限公司,期间“十三五”更为严酷的积极支持和协助电力变压器在电力行业标准化技术委员会(DL / T C 02)开展标准化工作在一起,为了促进我国电力变压器、电抗器、互感器)行业的整体水平,促进行业的发展和技术的进步,发挥了重要作用,使标准化工作中的突出贡献特别感谢。
随着科学技术的进步和人民生活水平的提高编辑认为回族DE变压器。我国农村电网负荷分散,季节性强,平均负载率较低,选择变压器的特点在农村电力建设和改造应该符合网站负载特征,进一步降低变压器的空载损耗和空载电流,以满足当前和未来几年,新衣服和更换配电变压器技术进步和可靠性。和S11S13 MRL是根据农村电力变压器的设计的特点,完全可以满足要求。
为了应对各种需求,S13 - MRL变压器有不同的结构特征:编辑认为回族DE变压器。
(5):油箱油浸式变压器箱不仅是外壳和变压器的身体浸油容器,和组装变压器的骨架,因此,变压器油箱机械支撑,冷却冷却和绝缘保护的作用。我们经常使用传统的管式散热器水箱或板散热器水箱设计S13——MRL编辑智囊团的回族DE变压器。书记一行到福民路北校区,重点参观了公司灵活的传输设备产业基地,了解公司主要产品的生产情况。在特高压试验大厅,公司领导周书记介绍了测试+ 800 kv直流转换器阀产品,这是超高电压直流功率转换的核心设备,是另一个公司具有自主知识产权的高端电力设备,最近通过荷兰KEMA公司的权威测试见证。

The power industry technical committee third inspection group must remit DE grades
According to the unified deployment of state grid in shandong branch, the third inspection group on October 22 to 25, 2015 in shandong hui DE transformer manufacturing co., LTD., to carry out the tour. In October 2015, transformer manufacturing co., LTD., shandong remit received power transformer in electric power industry standardization technical committee of the thank-you letter, the letter confirmed the shandong hui DE transformer manufacturing co., LTD., during the period of "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" actively support and assist power transformer in electric power industry standardization technical committee (DL/T C 02) to carry out the standardization work together, in order to promote our country electric power transformer, reactor, mutual inductor) the overall level of the industry, promote the development of industry and technology progress, has played an important role, to make the outstanding contributions in the standardization work in special thanks.
Patrol work of the tour is the main task of the enterprise in the implementation of the communist party of China "and other laws and regulations, party observe party discipline, implement the party's style of the cultivation of clean government responsibility and supervision over the supervision and responsibility, and so on and so forth and strive to found in violation of the political discipline and rules, words and deeds against the party's line policies, has made no, YouJinBuZhi, part, curtain, etc.;
With the progress of science and technology and the increase of people's living standard editor think hui DE transformer. Rural power grid in China has a load decentralization, strong seasonality, lower average load rate, the characteristics of the selection of transformers in rural electric construction and retrofit should comply with the site to load characteristics, further reduce no-load loss and no-load current of transformer, to meet the current and the next few years, new clothes and replacement of distribution transformer with technological advancement and reliability. And S11S13 - called simply MRL is according to the feature of rural electric design of the transformer, can completely satisfy the requirements.
/ S13 - developed called simply MRL transformer is a new type of transformer, the editor think hui DE transformer. Is one kind has the size of two capacity, and may be adjusted according to the load size distribution transformer. The basic design idea is: the three-phase high voltage transformer connect triangle (D) when the large capacity, small capacity of star (Y). Low voltage winding of each phase consists of three parts: part one is a few turns (Ⅰ section), plus most of the turns of line segment into two parts by two sets of wires and winding (Ⅱ, Ⅲ section). When the large capacity Ⅱ, Ⅲ in series, in parallel with Ⅰ paragraphs small capacity Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ all series. By the large capacity for small capacity, low voltage winding circle number increase, at the same time high voltage winding into Y connection and phase voltage is reduced, and the number of turns to increase with the voltage lower multiples, can guarantee the output voltage constant. The change of the high voltage winding connection, and low voltage winding, series of transformations, and each part of the adjustment are performed by special without excitation adjustable volume switch. At the same time, the large capacity for small capacity, due to the low pressure the increase of the number of turns, the core flux density slash, and make the smaller unit of silicon steel sheet loss, no-load loss and no-load current is reduced, achieve the goal of loss reduction and energy saving.
In response to various needs, / S13 - called simply MRL transformer have different structural features: editor think hui DE transformer.
: (1) the core in order to meet the different requirements of users, the core structure has two kinds: one is the core structure, it is the silicon steel sheet material, processing volume made of closed form core; Two is the core structure of pile type, cold rolled silicon steel sheet is made of high quality orientation, step 3 full inclined Angle seam, not punching, improved the magnetic circuit structure. Two structures can ensure compared with product integrated with specification, no-load loss by 30%, a fall of 70% no-load current.
(2) : windings adopt cylinder structure, good impulse voltage distribution, oil cooling efficiency. When wound core structure is adopted high and low voltage winding winding on the core column directly, on the coil winding method, to take some special technical measures.
(3) body: the body for main insulation distance, appropriate regulator circle along the circumference of the axial support, are made of laminated cardboard or laminated wood insulation piece, guarantee basic not heated contraction, realize the effective pressure. (4) adjust capacity switch: let the switch to the horizontal cage structure, external handle, limit carefully adjust positioning when it is assembled, its transmission mechanism is a pair of gear finishing, to ensure reliable operation. Have waterproof cover on top of the operating mechanism, to ensure the safety of operator, prolong the service life.
(5) : tank oil-immersed transformer tank is not only the casing and the transformer body immersion oil container, and the skeleton of the assembled transformer, therefore, transformer oil tank have mechanical support, the action of cooling cooling and insulation protection. We often use the traditional tubular radiator tanks or plate radiator tank to design our/S13 - called simply MRL editor think tank of hui DE transformer. Being secretary of a line to fumin road north campus, focus on a visit to the company flexible transmission equipment industry base, understand the company main product production situation. In uhv test hall, the company leadership to secretary zhou introduced in test + 800 kv dc converter valve product, which is the core of the ultra high voltage dc power conversion equipment, is another company with independent intellectual property rights of high-end electric power equipment, recently passed the authority of the Netherlands KEMA test witness.



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